Procrastinate much?
I vow to get back on track.
With that said, every Thursday will be 10 things that I am thankful for.
Starting today.
1. Hot coffee with cream and sugar. More then 1 cup of course!
2. The smell of BBQ ribs cooking since 5am in the crock pot.
3. Antibiotics. Bean has been sick for two days but is getting better.
4. Off. You can't leave home without it or the mosquitos carry you away!
5. Gain fabric softner!
6. Soft pajamas that I don't plan to get out of today.
7. Laughing children
8. Glasses because my allergies won't allow me to put my contacts in.
9. Bleach. I love the smell of it when I clean
10. This blog. An outlet for my thoughts.
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